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פתרונות לבוני אתרים
חודש 12 חינם ב-KOH


All details provided on this page have been verified by Trusted Partners Ltd.

Customer Testimonials

Luah Focus Israel Ltd. | Ramat Gan, Israel
Luah Focus has been a KOH customer for the past 6 years. During this time the company has purchased various hardware, software and maintenance services from KOH. Luah Focus praises KOH for excellence in service, professionalism and integrity.


Israel Teachers Union | Tel Aviv, Israel
The Israel Teachers Union has been a KOH customer over the past 6 years. During the time the union has made use of various Managed Hosting services and hosting provided by KOH. The union has cited the excellent service it has been receiving from KOH. According to Rina Kolvich, the Union's Deputy Director of Operations, KOH cooperates with all customers in order to provide immediate and professional solutions. Kolvich further mentions that KOH is an "excellent choice!".

I.B.P I.B.P Business Promotion Ltd. | Ra'anana, Israel
I.B.P has been a KOH customer over the past 4 years. The Company reports KOH services to be reliable, efficient, available and courteous. According to I.B.P CEO, Mr. Harel Zvi: "KOH's excellent service has alleviated us of all technical and maintenance related business concerns. Ltd. | Herzliya Pituah, Israel
KOH has been providing with hardware, management services and support services over the past 5 years. According to, the service provided by KOH is accessible, fast, professional and convenient. As CEO, Mr. Yuval Avitan, testifies: "KOH is a reliable and professional company providing extraordinary service." (WinHelpaofran Ltd.) | Herzliya, Israel
WinHelpaofran has been a KOH customer for the past 18 months. According to Miri Nesher, the company's Operations & Finance Manager: "It was only when we switched over to KOH that we understood the difference between a standard Service Agreement and Professional, Caring and Proactive Involvement. In KOH I found availability, professionalism, courtesy, intelligence and responsibility. I wish them the best of luck".


Supplier Testimonials

SMILE 012 | Petah Tikva, Israel
SMILE 012 has been a KOH supplier over the past 4 years. During this time the company has supplied KOH with various storage spaces for its Data Center servers and systems, farm services, communications, data backup and information security, various hardware and software products and more. According to company reports, KOH is regarded as an "Enterprise" customer with a clean record in all matters concerning payments and compliance with terms of agreements. KOH management is considered to be both professional and reliable.

Come Secure Ltd. | Tel Aviv, Israel
Come Secure Ltd. has been a KOH supplier for the past 5 years during which it has provided KOH with a variety of anti-virus programs. According to Come Square, KOH is a reliable company that stands behind its obligations and comprises good people.